Seminar on Personal Responsibility Towards Sustainable Environment

Students attending the Seminar on Personal Responsibility Towards Sustainable Environment in Nazar Zalmai Institute

Kardan University's Faculty of Economics conducted a seminar on 'Personal Responsibility Toward Sustainable Environment' on Thursday, October 15, 2020, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Nazar Zalmai Institute. The University aims to achieve the SDG4: Quality Education and SDG17: Partnership for the Goals by conducting sustainability initiatives to benefit students and the community. 

The session's purpose was to focus on Personal Responsibility Toward a Sustainable Environment, given the recent dynamics changes in business and non-business environment and the world's socio-economic and political aspects that should not create business operations barriers.

The following are some of the main aspects that businesses should consider regarding personal responsibility towards the environment:

  • Understanding the key responsibilities of individuals toward a sustainable environment
  • Understanding corporate social responsibility
  • Society and clean environment, and the role of every single entity
  • Discussion on various areas of institutional and business responsibilities toward a clean and sustainable environment
  • The role of cultivating in pollution management
  • Understanding the role of industrialists toward clean and sustainable development
  • The role of government bodies towards sustainability
  • Mechanism and different techniques that could support environmental sustainability
  • Student's responsibilities toward developed, clean, and smooth environment

Kardan University recognizes SDGs as one of the most effective policies for students' future involvement in their community. Understanding SDGs is a priority for Kardan University— it reflects everything from understanding the fundamentals of sustainability to knowing cutting-edge research to ensure future success.

To read more about sustainability initiatives at Kardan University, please visit