Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Research Society

{Transforming Research Transforming Afghanistan}

Purpose of Existence

The Research Society (RS) provides leadership and support for Afghan researchers, empowering research candidates to achieve their research goals and keep them engaged in creating new knowledge, disseminate new information and keep the knowledge triangle intact.

About the RS

The Research Society (RS) role is to support research at the University and develop and refine the Afghanistan’s/University’s overall Research Strategy and provide solutions to the problems faced by the country by involving the research experts within the country and from other countries (collaborative research) to address the problems in a realistic manner.

Our focus is divided in two key areas:

• Devising Strategies, Policies & Projects
• Research Education

We support in devising strategies by developing and implementing research oriented policies and procedures and fostering industry and international partnerships.

We are committed to providing high quality professional development programs to enrich the experience of our research community members and support our researchers in their roles by identifying the problem faced by the society and ensure solutions that are judicious, reliable and valid.

Current Working Papers

No Authors Title Download
1 Ms. Shahla Muram and Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani Linkage between International Political Relations and Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study of Afghanistan
2 Mr. Elyas Naseri and Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani Export Competitiveness of Afghanistan with Pakistan: An Economic Evaluation

Our Focus and Objectives

Kardan University is growing and strengthening its research capability to deliver significant economic, social and environmental impact.

Kardan University is driven by impact and, as the world economy transforms, the University has a responsibility to make the resulting changes work for the whole of society. In support of this, Kardan University has created a cohesive and supportive environment for “Research Society” within Kardan University’s research network and deep collaborations.

Unlike traditional discipline-based research structures, RS connect researchers from multiple disciplines under a thematic umbrella from different nooks and corners of the world. This provides a vehicle that allows Kardan University to deploy its areas of research excellence to comprehensively address critical local, national, regional and global challenges and capture emerging opportunities.

The role of the RS is to:

• address impact in research and innovation
• facilitate a substantial lift in research capability
• serve as focal points for strategic partnerships
• provide a catalyst for effective impact-associated research training
• underpin enhanced research capability supported by a positive culture of service and support and
• increase the intellectual capacity of the researchers.

Our Core Competencies and Strengths

Through our core competencies we're shaping the world through our applied research and industry collaborations. At Kardan University, we collaborate to find solutions to the problems of tomorrow. With a commitment to innovation and practical results, our research society is focused on creating real and transformative impact for our global community.

a) Faculty level Research Centers

Our faculty level research centers working under the direct supervision of DRD are having a national impact in their specialist areas. Their links to industry and government allow our academics and Research candidates to conduct relevant, focused and applied research. They work in a vibrant collegiate environment, supported by advanced facilities, specialist resources and opportunities to develop their careers.

b) Multi-partner collaborations

Kardan University leads and/or contributes expertise to a number of multi-partner research collaborations. These collaborations bring together researchers from universities, industry and government, both Afghanistan and international to produce high quality research outcomes that contribute to the achievement of national objectives and solve global problems.

c) Research opportunities

Research at Kardan University aims to solve critical local/global problems and deliver significant economic, social and environmental impact. We are focused on clusters of multi-disciplinary research and innovation capabilities and our candidates/researchers are supervised by active researchers at Society for Research Learning (RS).

d) Industry Engagement

Kardan University is committed to providing global and connected research training to develop graduates who can drive innovation and contribute to research with real world relevance.

Through collaborating with our industry partners, Kardan University’s Department of Research and Development through ‘Research Society’ help private and public sector businesses solve today's problems and challenges, whilst gaining valuable experience and skills for future employment.

e) International partners with expertise

Kardan University’s research training collaborations deliver a truly global research experience, connecting research society (RS) to international leaders in your field and to a wide range of resources to support research society (RS) research.

f) Partnerships and research translation/dissemination

Our multidisciplinary, outcome-oriented approach makes us the partner of choice in our collaborations with research agencies, other universities, and government, community and industry bodies.

Application for Membership

Basically in RS the pool is divided into three categories (subject to conditions who to be called what) as defined in section 5.1 under membership categories as follows:

5.1: Membership Categories

a) Expert/Active membership is open to investigators worldwide. Individuals who have conducted minimum 10 years of research resulting in peer-reviewed publications relevant to economics, management sciences, social sciences and law, or who have made substantial contributions to academic research in an administrative or educational capacity. Evidence of books, research papers, patents relevant to academic research may be provided as qualifications for membership in lieu of peer-reviewed publications. It is also open to postdoctoral fellows who are enrolled in educational or training programs that could lead to careers in academic research. Practitioners/Scientists/Scholars in training who already have a substantial record of publications may wish to apply for Expert/Active membership.

b) Intermediate /Affiliate membership is open to qualified individuals who are research professionals working in research agencies and educators or other professionals who are interested in and/or make substantial contributions to the academic field. It is also open to graduate, post graduate students, doctoral scholars who are enrolled in educational or training programs that could lead to careers in academic research. To become member in this category Individuals who have experience of minimum 3 years of research relevant to economics, management sciences, social sciences and law, or who have made substantial contributions to academic research.

c) Student /Zero Beginner Membership is open to individuals who have manifested an interest in academic and related fields, and who are enrolled in a program leading to a high school diploma or bachelor's degree.

5.2: Operational Cycle

The way RS operates depends on the training provided by the experts to the Zero beginners of 3rd stage till they reach the 2nd level (to join the 2nd level they have to publish minimum two papers in any indexed journal). Then 2nd stage or Intermediate/Affiliate membership researchers with Experts provide ideas, insights for future research. Learners along with 2nd stage or Intermediate researchers also start focusing on new dimensions of research problem which needs attention and as such the pool of intellectual capacity increases exponentially. Finally the experts who add their innovative ideas, insights and suggestions lead the panel for further research capacity building.

RS members are committed to advancing knowledge promoting evidence-based policies, and serving the public through high-quality, rigorous academic/industry research. As the largest national interdisciplinary research association devoted to the scientific/observatory study of academic learning, RS informs and enhances research practice; fosters high-quality academic/industry oriented research; and strengthens communication and collaboration between researchers and policymakers and practitioners. The association serves as the national voice for the field of basic and applied research and the primary advocate for centralized funding of research and sound policy driving central investment. RS provides members with the opportunity to make a difference in research, by connecting scholars with each other and with policy and opinion leaders through its annual meeting, research conferences, public programming, and other special events; publishing and disseminating the field’s leading research; supporting research initiatives that promote cutting-edge study; fostering professional advancement; and much more.

Membership benefits

Research Society members enjoy the following benefits described as follows:

Access to the Latest Research and Developments in the Field
  • Complimentary subscriptions to Kardan Journals (KJ’s)
  • Turnitin available for members
  • JSTOR available for members
Networking opportunities- Connect with the RS community
  • Members receive one complimentary division membership. Connect online with your community through list servers and forums, and at RS Annual Meetings and other events.
Professional Advancement
  • RS Job Board is the premier site for education research positions.
  • Professional development and training offered by RS through the Virtual Research learning Center and at RS annual meetings.
  • Grants and Funding provide support to students and early career researchers.

Procedure of Selection

The purpose of the Research Society (RS) Fellows Program is to honor and recognize researchers with substantial research accomplishments, to convey the research society’s commitment to excellence in research, and to enable the next generation of emerging scholars to appreciate the value of sustained achievements in research and the breadth of scholarship worthy of recognition. The RS is intended to recognize excellence in research and be inclusive of the scholarship that constitutes and enriches education research as an interdisciplinary field.

Based on the categories of membership as defined in section 5.1, view the membership for a description of the membership categories that best fits your qualifications.

The recruitment must comply with DRD standards for competitive selection and transparent processes to ensure that the individuals selected are the best-qualified candidates to perform the research related functions in a fully satisfactory manner. The selection process must ensure that due regard is given to achieving an equitable gender and geographical balance, as appropriate. DRD (Board Council of Research) as per the criteria laid down in the section 5.1 plus the peer evaluation.

In order to submit the application form for membership the following form as presented in section 8 should be duly filled to the best of your knowledge along with the supporting documents and submit to rsmembership@kardan.edu.af (Click on this link to submit the form online).

Once applications are received along with the supported documents for membership, the Head of DRD along with Board Council of Research will review the applications. Research Fellows/ Members are selected, recommended and approved by the Head of DRD upon review and recommendation from Board Council of Research.

After review of the applications for membership the DRD office will notify candidates of their selection or deferral within one month of receipt of the application form.

After the selection process, the selected research society members have to adhere to the following terms and conditions of appointment of Research Society as described in section 9.

Membership Application Form

Section 1: Application Information
*The enclosed application should be applied to the :

Section 2: Candidate Information
*Last Name
*First Name
Middle Name

*Date of Birth

*Country of Origin
*Present Country

*Passport No

*Academic Degree

Section 3: Contact Information

University/Institute/Company Mailing Address




Home Mailing Address




Section 4: Scientific/Observatory Research
*Major Focus


Section 5: Membership Categories
*Membership Category

Section 6: Statement and Signature of Candidate

I hereby apply for membership in the Research Society. I have read the qualifications and instructions as provided in the section 5.1 and I understand the privileges and responsibilities of this category of membership. I understand that I will receive communications from RS regarding my membership and participation in Association programs and activities. I certify that the statements on this application are true.


Section 7: Nomination and Statement of Support

I recommend this candidate for membership in the Research Society and acknowledge by signing this statement of support that the candidate is qualified for this category of membership. Further, I acknowledge that this candidate adheres to accepted ethical scientific standards and has or will make long-term contributions to Research Society.



Section 8: Procedures for Application Submission

The Official Research Society Membership Application Form with all requested information provided. Nomination: Appropriate signature of a nominator (three signatures required for Expert/Active member candidates) who is an existing Active, Emeritus, or Honorary member in good standing is required. A copy of the candidate’s most current curriculum vitae and bibliography.
Intermediate /Affiliate membership: Cover letter explaining the reasons for the candidate’s interest in joining, his or her particular qualifications for this membership category, and the benefit(s) he or she expects to derive from becoming a member. A copy of the candidate’s most current curriculum vitae and bibliography.
Student /Zero Beginner Membership: Appropriate signatures for Student candidates/ Zero Beginner Membership would include school advisor, mentor, dean, or principal).

Our Experts

Researcher Area of Expertise

Prof. Murtaza Masoud Niazi

  • Corporate Governance
  • Financial Management

Prof. Muhammad Shahid Shams

  • Strategic Management
  • Employee’s Engagement

Prof. Dr. Kaleemullah Khan Bangash

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management

Dr. Pramod Matolia

  • Strategic Marketing
  • Strategic Human Resource Development

Asst. Prof. Mr. Waqas Shinwari

  • Financial Risk Modeling
  • Financial Modeling
  • Islamic Banking
  • Accounting and Financial Management

Asst. Prof. Mr. Shahzad Anwar

  • Financial Modeling
  • Financial Accounting
  • Financial Management

Dr. Ahmad Khalid Hatam

  • Islamic Law and Jurisprudence
  • Fiqah and Shariah

Asst. Prof. Mr. Zahid Jalaly

  • International Law

Terms and Conditions of Appointment of members to Research Society

In accordance with DRD Statute of Kardan University, Kabul Afghanistan, Research Society members for the purpose of contributing to academic research for special assignments in connection with the University’s DRD’s programs. Members engaged under this type of membership serve in their individual capacity and not as representatives of University or other authority external to DRD. The main focus of Research Society members is the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs, projects and operations in a particular sector or functional area. They provide substantive support for training and research activities, contribute to the preparation of various written outputs, provide administrative support to conferences and other meetings, and participate in the development of training workshops or seminars. Their functions require knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches related to training; project management and administrative experience; analytical and problem-solving skills; and familiarity with and experience using various research methodologies.

9.1 Conditions of appointment and terms of reference

A) Conditions

The legal status, entitlements and obligations of “Research Society members” shall be specified in full in their letters of application. The appointment shall be subject to the following conditions:

a) Membership Contracts shall be issued for a minimum period of 12 months and can be renewed as well. By signing the membership contract, individuals acknowledge and accept that the terms of engagement are different from those that apply to Kardan University staff and that there are no expectations for contract renewal.

b) There will be no remuneration.

c) Writing research papers in groups, joining research webinars, workshops as deemed necessary and at least once a week visiting the University with concern research group head is mandatory for student/ Zero beginner category membership.

B) Confidentiality of information

As a research society member, I will adhere by the ethical and legal requirements regarding privacy and will not compromise on confidentiality for any reason.

The Code identifies the confidentiality of information pertaining to projects, students, researchers and research subjects as a matter of ethical obligation, not just as a matter of legal or workplace requirements. Respect for privacy is implicitly addressed in Principle of Ethics and the confidential nature of the information with which they entrust members of the professions. This broad, general obligation is further specified in both Rule Obligatory and Rule Principle as follows:

Rule Obligatory: Individuals shall protect the confidentiality and security of records of professional services provided, research and scholarly activities conducted, and products dispensed. Access to these records shall be allowed only when doing so is necessary to protect the welfare of the person or of the community, is legally authorized, or is otherwise required by law.

Rule Principle: Individuals shall protect the confidentiality of any professional or personal information about persons served professionally or participants involved in research and scholarly activities and may disclose confidential information only when doing so is necessary to protect the welfare of the person or of the community, is legally authorized, or is otherwise required by law.

C) Acceptance

a) I accept the membership, which has been awarded to me by DRD through RS and understand the following:

b) DRD will not pay me for my membership; all expenses, including the cost of travel, personal insurance and accommodation, as well as all living expenses, will be borne by me.

c) Unsatisfactory performance may lead to the termination of the membership at the initiative of DRD, subject to an appropriate notice period of at least one week.

e) I will reimburse DRD for financial loss or for damage to University-owned equipment or property caused by me, if such loss or damage occurred outside the performance of services with DRD, or arose or resulted from my gross negligence or willful misconduct or violation or reckless disregard of applicable rules and policies.

f) DRD bears no responsibility for loss or damage to my personal property that may occur during my ship.

D) Undertaking

1. I undertake the following obligations with respect to the DRD Research Society membership program:

• To observe all applicable rules, regulations, instructions, procedures and directives of Research Society;

• To refrain from any conduct that would adversely reflect the image of DRD of Kardan University.

2. The membership may be terminated or its period reduced at any time by DRD if this is deemed to be in the interests of either DRD or the member.

3. I have read the qualifications and instructions and I understand the privileges and responsibilities of this category of membership. I understand that I will receive communications from research Society regarding my membership and participation in Association programs and activities. I certify that the statements on this application are true.