Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Founder's Message

For over 13 years, Kardan University has been at the forefront of educating and developing Afghanistan’s workforce with talented specialists, managers and leaders. While Afghanistan enters a challenging period of transition, we are redoubling our efforts to equip Afghan men and women with the required skills, knowledge and confidence to lead the country through this historical transformation.

Building on our success, we are strengthening our programs and services, emphasizing innovative approaches towards excellence in education, including the introduction of career development initiatives, competitive master level programs, and international accreditation of our university programs.

More than ever before, Kardan University is focused on improving the quality of teaching, strengthening student services, and upgrading the University’s facilities and infrastructures. We have forged unprecedented levels of collaboration and partnership with the national and international institutions as part of our overall internationalization efforts.

Taken together, these progressive efforts enable us to dream bigger and offer our students and community of professionals the most exceptional learning and teaching experiences.

From an inspiring learning environment and extracurricular activities to our commitment to academic excellence, Kardan University is a thriving learning space where future leaders are made.

I invite you to explore why Kardan University would be your first choice for a memorable university experience.

Roeen Rahmani
Founder, Kardan University