Chancellor Rahmani Participates at a Virtual Meeting on the University Sector Support to UN Secretary-General’s Call for a Decade of Action on the SDGs

At the webinar for presidents of global universities with the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres

Mr. Roeen Rahmani, Kardan University’s Chancellor participated at a virtual meeting on the “University Sector Support to UN Secretary-General’s Call for a Decade of Action on the SDGs” conducted via Zoom for two days starting July 9-10, 2020 from 8:00 to 12:00 pm.

UN leadership is looking forward in order to deepen the alliance between the UN and universities, in recognition of their key role in global thought leadership. Universities are essential for achieving the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, both of which require profound transformations of energy, industry, agriculture, cities, and many other systems. By generating and mobilizing the knowledge required for these transformations, the world’s leading universities are uniquely positioned to accelerate SDG achievement.

Objectives of the Meeting

Participants discussed the role of universities in actively supporting the decade of action for the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement, including:

  • Mainstreaming the SDGs into university curricula and operations
  • Conducting SDG research
  • Facilitating evidence-based stakeholder dialogues on SDG implementation

The main goal for university presidents and rectors is to promote the SDGs in their degree programs, executive trainings, research, campus operations, and in engagement with affiliates, including alumni and local communities. 

This dialogue will strengthen the partnership between the UN and universities around the world, as well as recognize their expertise and key role in global thought leadership. The SDSN mobilizes global knowledge to achieve the SDGs. Universities, think tanks, and knowledge-based NGOs have an enormous role, and responsibility, to promote and support the SDGs.

The SDSN focuses on the major transformations needed to create prosperous, fair, sustainable, and peaceful societies. Universities are essential for achieving the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, both of which require deep transformations in education, gender, and inequality; health, wellbeing, and demography; energy decarburization and sustainable industry; sustainable food, land, water, and oceans; sustainable cities and communities; and digital revolution for sustainable development (see SDSN’s work on the 6 SDG Transformations). By generating and mobilizing the knowledge required for these transformations, the world’s leading universities are uniquely positioned to accelerate SDG achievement.

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