Kardan Innovation Lab is a practical working environment for Computer Science and Engineering students which is officially introduced by Kardan University on 28th of December 2017. This lab plays a vital role in bringing innovative ideas and changes in our society by developing digitalized systems which are made by the students and members of Innovation Lab. These systems and applications are not only software oriented, but also entails hardware materials utilization in the projects.
More than 70 students have registered themselves in this program where 3 teams of 3 members each have been selected to work on chosen projects. Currently, i-Lab is working on three important projects.
Bluetooth Controlled Robot: A wheeled robot which is being controlled by a human through a wireless communication medium. At first stage, members of i-Lab will create such a robot to understand the basic principles of wheeled robots. At later stages, they will add more functionalities to their project.
Smart Irrigation System: This project describes a smart and affordable system which will be used to automatically irrigate the plants without human interference. At first stage, project members will make a basic form of such system with real-time wireless communication between plants and humans but In the future, more functions can be added to this system.
Blind People’s Assistant: An assisting device which helps visually impaired and blind people to get aware of obstacles in front of them while they walk. A device which warns them by using a small buzzer to make a noise or vibrate when they come closer to objects. This project can be upgraded and more features like navigation systems will be added to them.