Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Kardan Library Response to COVID-19

As of June-20-2020, Kardan University library is going to open to all students, staff members and faculties for two days a week (Saturday and Wednesday) from 10:00 Am to 4:00 Pm. The library will be open for book pickup and drop. Students will not be allowed to use the library sitting area or the breakout rooms. The printing services will be unavailable onsite. Online services are available through the library website and student “My Kardan” Portal. If you need support, please contact the appropriate unit or individual, via email, and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Find more information about library services, please contact the librarian at z.adina@kardan.edu.af and t.amiri@kardan.edu.af and/or library WhatsApp group +93(0)786844493 You may also request an online appointment with a subject specialist and the librarians.

Electronic resources

All electronic resources including databases, journals, and online resources will remain accessible to the Kardan University Community. If you are unable to access an electronic database, please report the problem and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

Physical Books

The Library operation will be limited to two days per week (Saturday and Wednesday) from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm for all the students’ interested borrowing, returning and updating books from the Kardan University library. We urge users to find online formats and alternatives, as this will be the most quick and efficient way of accessing needed materials. If you need help or support in anyway, please submit requests to librarians.

Any book on loan to a faculty member as of March 2020 has been renewed until. June-20-2020. We will reassess these date as this situation progresses. No overdue fines or fees will be charged during this period. Existing overdue fees will remain unchanged.

To the best of our ability, the library will provide remote access to our digital library collection for class and research needs while the contingency plan is in effect. We will offer as much support as possible to make resources available to students and faculty remotely.