Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

International Affairs

For International Affairs, this office primarily serves to facilitate the following:

  • International academic partnerships and nonacademic collaborations.
  • International student exchange programs in order to facilitate study abroad opportunities for the students of Kardan University as well as for incoming international students from partner universities, on Kardan University offered international scholarship or on scholarships offered by any other organization.
  • International faculty exchange programs in order to facilitate international exposure, faculty development initiatives and collaborative research opportunities for the faculty members of Kardan University.
  • International academic accreditation, quality assurance and professional bodies’ partnerships.
  • International initiatives in the areas of scholarship and research funding, jointly delivered academic programs, internships, corporate associations, etc. to name a few

Furthermore, this office provides continuous and unified actions within which all the initiatives in the international landscape can be smoothly performed and achieved.

Based on Kardan University’s five year strategic goals framework “Vision of Excellence” the OIA has aligned its action plans based on the following four major areas:

  • Accreditations and Memberships
  • International Partnerships
  • Student Exchange Programs
  • Faculty Exchange Programs