Launch of a One-Week Virtual Training on Network Address Translation Protocol (NAT) for Computer Science Students & Graduates

Event Date 26 June, 2021
Event Duration One Week
Venue Online

Kardan University’s CISCO Lab is organizing a one-week virtual training on “Network Address Translation Protocol” from June 26 – July 1, 2021, as part of its commitment to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education). The training is open to the public, including computer science students and graduates from other Afghan universities. The deadline for applications is June 24, 2021.

The training will take one week (3 sessions) focusing on practical work with CISCO Packet Tracer.

Training Objectives
1. To introduce students to private and public networks
2. To skill up the student's knowledge in Networking
3. To fully understand how NAT works
4. To get familiar with and understand different types of
5. To fully understand IPv4 and its usage

To apply: