Sustainable Business: Seed Funding Competition

Event Date 20 January, 2021
Event Duration 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Venue Parwan -e- Du Campus

Faculty of Economics at Kardan University, in partnership with the Bloom Afghanistan Consulting Services, announces a 3-part Business Competition for students to compete for start-up funding from investors. The Sustainable Business: Seed Funding Competition Series will continue the previous Business Start-Up Workshops conducted by the Faculty of Economics and Bloom Afghanistan. Students interested in starting and running their own small or medium businesses will compete to create the best business plan (first round), best investor pitch (second round), and receive investments both from foreign and local investors (final round).
First Round: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Second Round: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Final Round: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
DURATION: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM (final round will have different timing)

First Round: Business Plan Competition
Students will be formed into groups of three people, choose the best business plan/idea from their group, and receive training on the eight Questions Every Business Plan Must Answer. There will be two rounds of judging for the first competition after students have selected their group/idea. After a 30-minute lecture introducing the essential questions, students will submit a soft-copy business plan to the judges, who will choose five best business plans to move forward to the next round. Other students will continue to work on their business plans but will not be able to submit their plan for the first round’s final judgment. At the end of first round, the judges will select the top three business plans submitted. Any student who completes the first round, even if their business idea did not make the top 3 or top 5, will still be allowed to submit their business plan and qualify to compete in the second round.
Second Round: Investor Pitch Preparation Competition
Students who submit an approved business plan will be trained in how to best pitch their business to investors. Once again we will begin with a competition to select the best ideas, and narrow the results down to the top five and then three. Students are encouraged to form teams to prepare and present their pitch to investors. Students should be prepared to present their business pitch and answer questions about their business in English.
Third Round: Live Investor Pitch for Seed Funding
Students/teams who submit a video investor pitch will be invited to a live session to present their business ideas to foreign and local investors. All groups will receive questions from the investors and some feedback on their business ideas, and some teams may receive offers for investment/partnership. Students should be prepared to discuss the terms of an investment live and in public with the investors.

As these are very practical and interactive workshop competitions, so the below points must be considered:
• Every participant should come with a rough business plan or idea. Within the first 30 minutes, students will be selecting the best ideas from within their group of three.
• Workshop size will be limited to 20-25 students to allow for maximum interaction. Students who completed the LAUNCH: Business Start-Up Workshop Series will be given the first opportunity to sign up, then students in the 7th or 8th semester will be given a chance to register.
• Students/teams whose idea is not chosen by their group or by the judges in the first or second round are still eligible to submit their Business Plan and Investor Pitch to qualify for the final Live Pitch to Investors.
• Teams who do not compete in the first and second round and submit a successful business plan and investor pitch videos will be disqualified from competing in the live investor pitch in the final round.

You can register yourself online for the competition at