Introduction to Hour of Code

Event Date 22 October, 2020
Event Duration 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Venue Conference Hall Taimani Campus

The Department of Computer Science organizes an event titled ‘Hour of Code’ on Thursday, October 22, 2020, from 3:00 – to 4:45 p.m. in Conference Hall Taimani Campus. A one-hour introduction session is designed for computer science students to demystify ‘code’ to show that students can learn the basics and broaden their understanding of computer science.

The educational event is open to computer science students and the public; therefore, students from across private and public universities and higher educational institutions are encouraged to participate in this session and gain helpful insight into computer coding and more.

Kardan University consistently endeavors to provide educational events and practical work opportunities for its students to synchronize their theoretical lessons with a more pragmatic vision to succeed and excel in their respective study fields.