40 Under 40 Awards 2020

Event Date 25 June, 2020
Event Duration 2:00 PM
Venue To be announced

Kardan University is delighted to announce organizing the fifth (40 Under 40 Awards Ceremony), which recognizes exceptional students and alumni of Kardan University during a special event.

The university’s selection committee will select 40 candidates with outstanding performance in the categories of leadership, service, impact, and academics. To recognize the exceptional accomplishments of the selected 40 Under 40 Award recipients, Kardan University will organize a ceremony on Thursday, June 25, 2020, either online or face-to-face, the mode of which will be communicated in a timely manner.

The university is fully committed to appreciating the academic achievements of its students and alumni during the COVID-19 critical times and inspiring them to embrace the existing challenges, work harder, and emerge even stronger.

Distinguished guests from the Ministry of Higher Education, University leadership, faculty members, lecturers, families, and friends of the award recipients will attend the event. For further details, you may refer to the link: https://kardan.edu.af/fortyunderforty/