Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Strategic Research Program Goals and Success Factors

The goals, success factors and objectives have been developed to effectively respond to the external evaluation of research quality at the university.

  • Goal 1: To improve research capacities and capabilities, facilities, infrastructure and administrative support for research.
  • Goal 2: To build nationally and internationally recognized research programmes and enhances the University’s visibility and reputation in the area of research.
  • Goal 3: To be more creative and innovative in pursuing external research funding objectives.
  • Goal 4: To strengthen and increase collaboration and research partnerships with other national or international institutions, industries, and government agencies.
  • Goal 5: To improve performance, assessment and accountability of research activities and sponsored projects.

Inter-linkage within departments

In order to bring quality in writing projects, capstones and thesis, FDD facilitates professional development programs for the faculties and students in collaboration with DRD by arranging workshops, seminars, thesis exhibitions, mini-conferences and software analytic skills to meet the competitive market demand. Moreover faculties and students are encouraged to write research papers and accordingly they will be rewarded.