Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Welcome Week Spring 2021

Congratulations on your selection of Kardan University for continuing your higher education. From our commitment to academic excellence to a multitude of extracurricular activities, we offer an inspiring learning environment where each day is a new learning experience.

Check out different sections of this website and find out all that you need to consider for a successful start of your journey at Kardan University. Looking forward to welcoming you!


Welcome Note by VC Academics

From our beginnings as the first private university in Afghanistan to our current ranking as the leading university in the country, we continued to sustain a common goal to inspire academic and professional excellence through our creative, innovative and accountable approaches. We keep a firm believe in enhancing the accessibility, inclusion, and relevance of education to better cope with current socio-economic global challenges.

Following our vision of excellence, we incorporate effective approaches to ensure the provision of an enabling academic environment for our faculty members and students.

By broadening our scope of collaboration and partnership with national and international universities and organizations, we strive to provide immense growth and capacity building opportunities for our community of learners and teachers at Kardan University.

Research is fundamental towards the formation of resilient economies and societies. Therefore, Kardan University is taking crucial steps to further its contribution towards research and development and produce new ideas, insights, knowledge, and solutions to address the challenges of the Afghan society.

Kardan University envisions leading the sustainable transformation of the economic and social landscape of Afghanistan by embedding world-class academic practices to produce highly qualified and skilled human capital and remain the driver of positive change in the country. If you wish to be part of this transition, then join Kardan University.

All the very best,
Meena Rahmani,
VC Academics, Kardan University


Mission & Vision

Vision Statement

In the spirit of Excellence, Aspiring for Knowledge and Growth

Mission Statement

A Vibrant University Inspiring Academic and Professional Excellence


Welcome Week Spring 2021 Activities

The Office of Student Involvement and Events at Kardan University will organize the following activities as part of the New Students, Welcome Week Fall 2020 initiatives. Newly enrolled students will not only learn about the academic programs, facilities, and resources but also will have a clear understanding of how their study journey will go on at Afghanistan’s most recognized academic institution.

  1. Meeting with Chancellor, Deans, Senior Students, and Student Ambassadors
  2. Academic Program Orientation
  3. Student Portal Orientation
  4. Campus Tour
  5. Guest Speaker Sessions
  6. Study Tour
  7. Lab Activities
  8. Orientation on Student Success Center Services
  9. Food, Cultural and Networking Day
  10. Friendly Cricket, Futsal and Volleyball Matches
  11. Alumni Success Story
  12. Emerging Leaders Reflections
  13. Art Exhibition
  14. Training on Note Taking, Importance of Volunteerism and Community Services, and CV Writing


Academic Policy and Procedures

Course Selection

As Kardan University students you do not have to study a fixed number of subjects in each semester. Instead you have the flexibility to choose the number and nature of your courses as per your specific preference or circumstance.

The Academic Administrator in each department has all the information you need to choose your courses. Some programs have set courses and others have a lot of choice, so follow the guidance you are given by your department. You can choose your courses through the Student Portal.


Class attendance is taken seriously at Kardan University. A student with less than 50% attendance throughout the semester cannot appear in the final examination. Students can check their attendance record through the Student Portal.

The Credit based System

The CBS is an academic credit system which is a standard used by universities around the world to measure and assess students’ work and effort during their Bachelor, Master or PhD programs.

In this system, each course is assigned a specific number of credits. Subjects are divided in to Core, Specialization and General / Elective ones which enables students to choose the courses they like and select a study schedule that they are comfortable with. Normally, Core Courses are assigned four credits while Specialization and General Courses are assigned three credits. In each semester, you have to take a minimum of 17 credits, while the maximum number of credits you can take in a semester is 21.

At Kardan University, students in all Bachelor programs (except Civil Engineering which is 150 credits) need to complete a total of 138 credits in the four year period. While for master’s programs, for those who come with a bachelor’s degree in the same field, the program is of two years and they need to complete a total of 42 credits. Students, who come with a different background, need to study an additional semester, making their study period two and half years. Those who come to study MBA will need to complete a total of 60 credits, while those who want to study International relations will have to complete a total of 54 credits.


In each semester, there is a mid-term exam which is scored out of 25. The final semester exam is scored out of 50. For the final 100 number of the semester, 25 come from the mid-term exam, 50 from the final exam and the remaining 25 are accommodated by two assignments, two quizzes and attendance throughout the semester.

Using Student Portal

Kardan University maintains a comprehensive database which has information about all its academic services and the students who use these services. You will have access to the database through a Student Portal where you can easily manage your academic matters at the university.

Right at the time of admission, a user name and password is created for each student to access the portal. Your department’s Academic Administrator will provide you your User Name / Password.

Part of the student portal is Learning Management System (LMS) where you can find plenty of learning materials uploaded and updated from time to time by your lecturers. This includes lecture slides, reference materials and other useful materials which your lecturers upload for your learning purposes.

You can access the portal 24/7 from any device with access to internet. Through the Student Portal you can:

  • Select subjects for each semester
  • Check your Attendance
  • Schedule your classes
  • Evaluate the performance of your lecturers
  • Check your exam scores
  • Apply for paper re-checking (if needed)

Student ID Cards

After you are enrolled as a student at Kardan University, the Admission Office will issue you an Identity Card which you will need every day for entrance in to the university, checking out books from the library and some other occasions where proving your identity is required.

The ID card is provided free of cost to all students, however, if it’s lost, a replacement will be provided against payment of Afs. 300.

Withdrawal from Courses

After selecting a subject, you can withdraw back from the course within two weeks after the start of the semester, and in case there is space available at the other course you want to take instead. Consult your Academic Administrator for more specific guidance.

Freezing/Re-joining a semester

After starting studying at the university, you can take a break of one semester by freezing it. A student can only freeze two consecutive semesters and will need to continue their studies after completion of the two semester period. Also, you cannot take a break of more than one year after freezing your semester. If a student does not appear for studies after one year, their registration will be cancelled.

For rejoining the university, the Registrar’s office will give you a form to fill and your Academic Administrator will approve your rejoining. Consult your Academic Administrator for more specific guidance.


After you complete your course of study here at Kardan University, you will be eligible for formal graduation from the university. In order to obtain a graduation certificate from the university, you must:

  • Complete all your program credits
  • Complete and defend your program thesis/project
  • Clear all financial dues


Managing Student Finance

Kardan University promotes flexible and reasonable payment options. Even though the students are required to pay the semester fees in advance, they can divide the semester tuition fee into equal installments and pay them throughout the semester.

Program Fee per-credit (AFN) Total credits
Master's in Business Administration (Business grads) 11000 42
Master's in Business Administration (Non-business grads) 10000 60
Master's in International Relations (Same field grads) 11000 42
Master's in International Relations (Different field grads) 10000 54
Bachelor's in Business Administration 3500 138
Bachelor's in Economics 3500 138
Bachelor's in Computer Science 3500 138
Bachelor's in Civil Engineering 3500 150
Bachelor's in Law 3500 138
Bachelor's in Political Science 3500 138
Bachelor's in Journalism 3500 138
In each semester, there is an admission fee of AFN 1000 for bachelor programs.
In each semester, there is an admission fee of AFN 3000 for master programs.

Paying Course Fees

There is a detailed fee payment guideline and a course fee payment schedule prepared by the Finance Department each semester. You can obtain it from your Academic Administrator’s Office or the Finance Department. All fee-related applications should be submitted to Academic Administrators for processing. Scholarships and financial aid applications are required to be submitted to the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office.

Applying for Scholarships and Financial Aid

Kardan University provides the most generous scholarships and bursaries offerings in the country. In recognition of academic excellence and merit, Kardan University offers a wide range of merit scholarships.

The purpose of the Financial Aid is to help any eligible student fully enrolled for an academic year at Kardan University and has a particular financial need. Financial Aid is offered to qualified students who meet the criteria as per Kardan University’s scholarships and financial aid policy.

Every year, Kardan University allocates a total of AFN 40,000,000 for eligible scholarships and financial aid applicants, both existing and new students. Procedural requirement begins with filling up the application form which should be obtained from the Scholarships and Financial Aid Office in Parwan-e-Du campus. This form is mandatory for both new and existing students. For existing students, the office verifies students’ eligibility. New students are required to attend an interview after submission of application.

There are multiple opportunities for becoming eligible for receiving scholarships and financial aid from the university. For further details, please consult Mr. Fardin Hakimyar, Officer, Scholarship and Financial Aid, or email him at f.hakimyar@kardan.edu.af


Students Success Center

Career and Employement

The Office of Career Services at Kardan University assists our students and alumni in achieving their career goals through a range of specialized programs and services. From training workshops to professional development programs and employment-specific support, we are here to help you achieve personal and professional success.

Our qualified staff can help you prepare winning CVs and job applications, prepare for job interviews, improve your career plans objectives, and guide you through your job search process. We are committed to the following principles and goals as we strive to provide our students and alumni with exceptional services:

  • To connect students and alumni to employment and internship opportunities through on and off-campus hiring
  • To provide students and alumni the opportunity to participate in job readiness, capacity building, and social activities
  • To provide career-related counseling, writing skills, seminars, and programs to equip students for lifelong career development

For further details about each one of the above services, please consult Mr. Mohammad Amin Hakimi, Career Services & Training Manager at Parwan-e-Du campus, or email m.amin@kardan.edu.af

Student Involvement and Events

By organizing activities such as the formation of student clubs, events, seminars, and educational tours for students, we strive to empower students and enhance their capabilities to be more effective and productive.

Through supporting student's engagement outside the classroom, we arrange, coordinate, and organize events, seminars, conferences, and activities that offer students and alumni a meaningful educational experience that enhances their personal, social, and intellectual growth.

Student Clubs

You can participate in the following student clubs and involve in extra-curricular activities:

  • Engineering Club
  • Debate Club
  • VIS Moot Club
  • Political Science Club
  • Computer Science Club
  • Student Volunteers Club
  • The Philip C. Jessup Team
  • Football Club
  • Cricket Club
  • SDGs Youth Ambassadors Club

For further details, please consult Mr. Ajmal Nabizada, Manager, Student Involvement, and Events. Call 0789 53 83 83 or email a.nabizada@kardan.edu.af

Alumni & Gender Relations

As graduates of Kardan University, our alumni are part of a vibrant family of over 16,000 graduates that live and work inside and outside of Afghanistan. Kardan University’s Alumni Network enables you to make or renew contacts with your former classmates, colleagues, and professional network. Student Clubs


University Facilities

Kardan Library

The libraries at Kardan University offer a rich collection of more than 5,500 text and reference books on a wide range of topics all at the disposal of its students. At each campus library there is a seating capacity for more than 30 students at any given time. The students can enjoy computer facilities and have access to course and research collections.

Besides the main study hall, there are separate Breakout Rooms for group discussions and Quite Rooms for individual study.

Innovation Lab

Kardan Innovation Lab is an enabling platform for Computer Science and Engineering students to let them put their learned theories to the test, learn new things, get familiar with new technologies, and be an inspiration for others.

In i-Lab we provide a learning environment where teams of students can build innovative products and gadgets using open source hardware, open source software, and available technologies. From a smartphone controlled light switch to a gesture controlled flying drone,they can put their imaginations in action. Necessary equipment and facilities will be provided by Kardan University.


In line with Kardan University’s strategic goal of ‘Excellence in Innovation and Growth’ we are glad to announce the establishment of Kardan University CISCO Lab. The facility will enable Computer Science students, especially those studying networking related subjects, to practice the theories they learn in class.

The lab will ultimately prepare the students for going ahead for CISCO Certifications which have a high credibility worldwide. There are various levels of CISCO certifications, which include the Associate, Professional and Expert levels.

We have a qualified cadre of lecturers and instructors who enable the student not only understand the concepts quickly, but also work on the lab equipment in an effective manner. The lab is equipped with the latest CISCO networking and communication equipment as well as related up to date learning materials including workbooks and audio-visual materials and much more for their self-paced self-study.

Resource Center

Kardan University aims at achieving the perpetuation of innovation and practices throughout the educational continuum. Adding up an Academic Resource Center is to provide the most comprehensive selection of academic resources available for students on one platform. It is packed with powerful resources such as the Digital library, Research Center, Breakout Rooms, Computer Lab and elegant study areas.


Kardan on Social Media

Kardan University has a very active and effective presence on the social media platforms, especially on Facebook where it has more than 350,000 followers through several official pages. This is a platform through which Kardan University communicates to the public news and updates about major events, accomplishments and achievements of the university itself, its students and its alumni.



Kardan University has three campuses in Kabul. These campuses are managed by experienced administrators who ensure the development of a progressive learning and teaching environment.

Parwan-e-Du Campus, Parwan-e-Du Square, Kabul-Afghanistan

Parwan-e-Du Campus, Parwan-e-Du Square, Kabul-Afghanistan

Taimani Campus, Taimani Square, Kabul-Afghanistan