Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Support from Kardan University

University Scholarly Communication Grant (USCG)

The goals of USCG is to foster greater dissemination of the work of Kardan Scholars, showcase intellectual productivity of the University across the world and to support innovative models of scholarly publishing. This grant is available to Kardan community where in University will share the article processing charges for publishing papers in journals of repute. (Journals indexed in TR/Scopus).

Travel Grant

Kardan is committed to increase the exposure of its faculty and staff by encouraging them to attend national and international conferences, collaborative research work, workshops, seminars and symposia for their professional growth and excellence. University will provide support to its research community by providing them travel grants to meet the expenses of attending research related events.

Monetary benefits to principal investigator of sponsored research projects

Principal and co-investigators of the externally sponsored research projects are provided 25% of overhead charges as well relaxation in the teaching load.

Leave points

The research contribution of the Kardan faculty will help them to earn leave points which can be availed as leaves for attending research and academic related events. Furthermore, University will need the help of plagiarism checker software namely Turnitin, Viper or Checker Reddit.


  • The DRD focused on bringing a Journal of its own with strong editorial board members from different countries which added flavor to the taste of Research.
  • The DRD publishes a quaterly Journal entitled, “Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences” having ISSN NO: 2616-3950, indexed in ICI World of Journals, Crossref, RePEc, Ideas and Econ Papers, J-Gate and Google Scholar for providing a basic platform for the faculties to publish their work.
  • The DRD publishes a biannual Journal entitled, “Kardan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities” having ISSN NO: 2616-8707 for the faculties to publish their work.
  • The DRD publishes an annual Journal entitled, “Kardan Journal of Engineering and Technology” having ISSN NO: 2706-7815, indexed in ROAD for the faculties to publish their work.
  • The DRD publishes an annual Journal entitled, “Kardan Journal of Law” for the faculties to publish their work.