Virtual Guest Speaker Session: Best Management Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic

Virtual Guest Speaker Session: Best Management Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic
Kardan University's Department of Business Administration (BBA) conducted a virtual session through the Zoom application on Thursday, July 15, 2021, The Best Management Practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic for the students of the BBA program as part of its commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Mr. Misbah Uddin Babakarkhail, Lecturer at Kardan University's Department of Business Administration, moderated the seminar.

Mr. Muhammad Ali, Program Manager at the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) and a certified professional in the field of strategic human resource management, delivered the session to the students. In this session, the participants were familiarized with the organizations updated and best management practices with a specific focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. The session had both presentation and practical scenarios-based questions where the students were engaged in testing their knowledge. In addition to that, information was shared with the students about the effective and efficient utilization of the resources by the organization during the pandemic.

The guest speaker was glad about the outstanding performance of the students during the knowledge testing activities. I am delighted to have a session with such talented students of Kardan University. It shows the efforts of quality lecturers along with the best management practices at Kardan University, said Mr. Muhammad Ali.

At the end of the session, the students shared their feedback about the session's effectiveness and said they learned a lot about organizational management practices. The event moderator, Mr. Misbah Uddin, also shared his closing remarks by appraising the efforts of the presenter Mr. Muhammad Ali and the active participation of the students during the session.

A Bachelor's in Business Administration degree from Kardan University will supply you with the academic credentials, practical insights and business experience you require to transform your interests and passions into a rewarding career. Our BBA graduates have established their own businesses, managed firms, obtained Master's and Doctoral degrees, and led major national and international organizations.

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