Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Innovation Lab

Kardan Innovation Lab is an enabling platform for Computer Science and Engineering students to let them put their learned theories to the test, learn new things, get familiar with new technologies, and be an inspiration for others.

In i-Lab we provide a learning environment where teams of students can build innovative products and gadgets using open source hardware, open source software, and available technologies. From a smartphone controlled light switch to a gesture controlled flying drone,they can put their imaginations in action. Necessary equipment and facilities will be provided by Kardan University.

Blind Assistant


Blind Assistant is prototype of a system which helps blind or visually impaired people to walk around independently. This system uses sensors to detect obstacles which comes in front of them and warns them by giving sound, light, and vibration feedbacks. By using this system, a disabled persons will be able to walk and navigate themselves without taking others assistance. The system has been developed using both the hardware and software implementations.


  • The aim of this project is to propose a portable device, designed for visually impaired individuals to assist them with getting around
  • Blind Assistant will provide direction to location and alert the user of obstacles in their path
  • To track a disabled person using GSM and GPS modules

Future Work

A variety of future scope are available that can be used of with this system such as:

  • Usage of GPS can help the blind person to source to destination route information
  • Water sensor that senses presence of water in a pathway, allowing the safe walk of the blind people in order to avoid slipping
  • Bluetooth connected device will help the blind person to navigate more easily by using human voices for directions

Cleaner Bot


Households of today are becoming smarter and more automated. Home automation delivers convenience and creates more time for people. Domestic robots are entering the homes and people’s daily lives, but it is yet a relatively new and immature market. A prototype implementation of a small wheeled robot which is used to clean floors automatically without interference of human beings. This robot has the ability to drive itself around and sweep the floor without crashing into walls or any other object which come in the path of it. It can also detect heights which gives it the ability to not fall down the stairs.


Many robotic cleaners are available on the market which cleans the floor but few of them support wet cleaning. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a robot to autonomously clean the floor without human interference. Other than that, by making this robot we will be able to:

  • Reduce labor cost
  • Easily clean the floor
  • Reduce human workforce
  • Interconnect devices with each other known as Machine to Machine (M2M)

Future Work

  • Bigger version of current system with advanced functionalities such as extinguishing fire
  • Automatic water collection
  • Accurate obstacle avoidance
  • Self-charging capability

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Plotter


Computer Numerical control is the automation of machine tools by means of computer executing pre-programmed sequence of machine control commands. This project is representing a machine which is able to draw any image processed by a computer on a piece of paper using ordinary pen or pencil. This system is normally used in industries to make the laser cutting facilities possible.


  • To draw image/text on any solid surface
  • To cut various hard materials such as wood, aluminum, steel, plastic, and foams
  • Draw Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layouts
  • Laser Cutting
  • Drilling precision holes in any frame

Future Work

  • To give laser cutting ability to the current implementation, the pen used in machine can be replaced by laser module for cutting metals, engraving wood and plastic
  • This system can be built in a larger scale to support bigger drawing dimensions
  • The current system has 2 axis X and Y, the Z axis can also be added in this machine to support 3D printing

Smart Plant Pot


Smart Plant Pot is a container that in which flowers and other plants are cultivated and displayed. This pot is distinct from ordinary pots as it provides different features responsible for taking care of plants in a much more efficient way. By having such system, we will not be required to check on the plants every time as the system includes the following specialties:

  • Automatic watering system which takes care of watering the plants when it gets dry
  • Advanced temperature control system monitors the indoor temperature and humidity
  • Sunlight tracking system which turns the pot in any direction to face the sunlight
  • Real-time observation system enables us check on our plants wherever we are
  • Face expression which shows the current state of plant


By making this system we aim to provide easiness for lives of human beings. Internet of things (IoT) or internet connected devices are proven to assist people in day to day tasks and encourage communication between devices which is also known as machine to machine (M2M) communication. Reducing labor cost and saving resources is another part of our objectives which makes our living much more efficient.

Future Work

For the future, this project will be implemented on gardens, and greenhouses which will effectively reduce labour cost, save time and money.