Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Annual Conference on Higher Education Development in Afghanistan (2024)

Reforms in the Process and Criteria of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education

Key Deadlines:

Deadline for submitting the first draft of the paper: 30 November, 2024
Deadline for sharing reviewer feedback with researchers: 10 December, 2024
Deadline for submitting the final version of the paper: 20 December, 2024
Conference date: 15 January, 2025
After evaluation, selected papers will be published in Kardan University’s international journals or as part of conference proceedings.

Paper Submission Guidelines:

- Articles should be original, unpublished, and not include libellous, defamatory, or plagiarized material.
- Full papers should be sent as an MS Word attachment to acheda2024@kardan.edu.af
- Please include the full details in the paper, including the authors’ names, designation, affiliation, and contact details.
- A short biography of 50-100 words of the principal author/presenter must be included along with the full paper.
- Full papers must be at least 5000-6000 words for Computer, IT, and Engineering and 7000-8000 words for Law, Social Sciences, Economics, Management, Humanities, Arts, and others, including abstracts, figures, references, and appendices.
- Citations in the manuscript should follow IEEE style (for Computer, IT, and Engineering fields), APA style (for Economics and Management), and Chicago style (for Social Sciences, Law, Humanities, Arts, and others).
- The above guidelines are specifically for the conference. For publication purposes (if the paper is accepted for conference presentation and publication), the guidelines of the respective journal will apply.
- All submissions will be subjected to a plagiarism check for originality.
- Papers will be presented in Pashto, Dari and English Languages.
- Conference will be held in Person.

Other Important Information:

Following evaluation, selected papers will be published in Kardan University’s international journals or as part of conference proceedings book.
Information and updates in relation to the ACHEDA-2024 will be shared and quries will be responded to via acheda2024@kardan.edu.af
Papers will be presented in Pashto, Dari and English Languages.
Conference will be held in-Person.