Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Entrepreneurship as a Career ‎Choice: ‎Does Entrepreneurship ‎Education Matter?‎

Mr. Murtaza Masud Niazi, Ms. Farishta Rasooli, Mr.‎ Muhammad Shahid Shams ‎

Volume 2 Issue 4 | Dec 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.41

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Building upon the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study ‎measures the impact of ‎entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial ‎career choice through entrepreneurial intention and ‎attitude towards ‎entrepreneurship among business graduates of Kabul based private higher ‎‎education institutions (HEIs). Data were collected from 99 business ‎graduates. Partial least ‎squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) ‎was used to test the hypotheses in the research ‎model using Smart-PLS ‎‎3.2.6. The results showed that entrepreneurship education had a direct ‎‎and strong impact on students to become an entrepreneur. ‎Entrepreneurship education also ‎strongly impacted the attitudes and the ‎intention of the students towards entrepreneurial behavior. ‎Also, the ‎entrepreneurial intention had a significant effect on a students’ choosing ‎‎entrepreneurship as a career. However, surprisingly, attitude towards ‎entrepreneurship had a ‎negative weak and insignificant relationship with ‎entrepreneurial career choice. The intention to ‎become an entrepreneur ‎mediated the relationship between entrepreneurship education and ‎‎entrepreneurship as a career. However, attitude towards entrepreneurship ‎did not mediate the ‎relationship between entrepreneurial education and ‎entrepreneurship as a career. The findings ‎suggest the policymakers inside ‎and outside universities should foster entrepreneurship education ‎because ‎it has a strong direct effect on entrepreneurial behavior. ‎

Keywords: ‎Entrepreneurial education, entrepreneurial intentions, attitude ‎towards ‎entrepreneurship, Private Higher Education Institutions