“Internationalization” of International Law: A Critical Review

Mr. Zahid Jalaly

Volume 1 Issue 1 | Dec 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJL.2021.4

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Principles and roots of International law are as old as the states themselves. From the first day states came into existence, they established bilateral and multilateral relations and thus some principles categorized today as principles of international law emerged. Some of the notions of international law were practiced in the city states of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Israelites, Greeks, Romans as well as Muslims. However, modern international law as a system is different. This law is outcome of the European civilization that originated in Europe and was confined to the same continent for some time. It later expanded into the whole world including the Muslim world. This paper evaluates the evolution of international law from euro-centric world order to a more international world order. It contends that the era of Colonialism coupled with collapse of Ottoman Empire and establishment of the United Nations Organization paved the way for internationalization of international law; and hence even those who do not agree with principles of this system have to follow the same. In this context, the paper evaluates some of the changes that international law, as a world order has to cope with.