Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

A Study of Five-Factor Model of Personality and Employee Counter Work Behavior Among Staff of Selected NGOs

Dr. Muhammad Tahir, Mr. Abdul Khaliq Khan Shinwari

Volume 2 Issue 2 | Jun 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.54

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Employee counter work behavior is influenced by various factors including personality and environmental factors. In the present study, the objective was to test the influence of personality dimensions based on the Five-Factor model of personality and employee counter work behavior. Through the convenience sampling approach, primary data is collected from the staff of five selected NGOs (n=170) utilizing the survey method. The method of analysis was structural equation modeling using the AMOS software. Reliability is assessed using the Cronbach alpha and composite reliability; while, convergent validity is established using the Average Variance Extracted; and discriminant validity using the Fornell & Larcker criteria. Coefficient indicates that extraversion and conscientiousness dimension bring negative influence on employee counter work behavior; neuroticism and openness bring positive influence on employee counter work behavior, and mixed results were found for agreeableness dimension. Results imply that personality is an important predictor of employee counter work behavior and may be used in candidate screening during the recruitment & selection process.