Smart Contract-Based Alert System for Reduction of Information Privacy Paradox and Fatigue in IoT

Mr. Riaz Ahmad Ziar, Mr. Syed Irfan Ullah, Mr. Rafiulllah Omar

Volume 1 Issue 1 | Sep 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJET.2021.4

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The introduction of smart devices and the IOT network has led to the creation of large amounts of data that require protection from intrusion. Most users desire to have personal data kept confidential while seeking for platforms that would prohibit their vendors from distributing it to third parties without their consent. However, the users that are conscious of data privacy often share information with third parties, contradicting their intentions in keeping their information confidential. The difference between user intentions and actions regarding data privacy is called privacy paradox while privacy fatigue refers to the weariness of people on implementing security and privacy solutions. In this proposed system we design and develop smart contracts to provide interaction for the IoT device and company which require personal data. A company or Application requests personal information from the device to share the device sends, that information to the smart contract, smart contract uses dynamic rules to check PII in the users’ personal information. Base on the PII(,) system would alert users on the limit and risk of sharing personal information through a public network. We used solidity programing language for the modeled of the smart contract. The performance of the contract is evaluated on the Repsten test network.