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Mr. Waqas Khan, Mr. Ajmal Khan, Mr. Abdul Khaliq Shinwari
Volume 1 Issue 1 | Jan 2018
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.91
Views: 1931
Total Downloads: 28
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current financial system of Afghanistan. The study explores the challenges and obstacles faced by financial system and what opportunities this system offer for local and foreign investors. The role of financial institutions is discussed in the development of Af¬ghanistan’s financial system. For the objectives, the study conducted interviews with the market experts and used textual analysis methodology. Based on the interviews, thematic codes were developed in a table through transcribing process. Thematic codes helped in generating thematic networks for further commentary. The study found that the young financial system of Afghanistan faces numerous challenges ranging from security instability to lack of government interest but still the system offers a lot of oppor¬tunities. Money laundering and lack of anti-money laundering policies are considered a serious threat for the stability of the system. Financial institutions, like commercial banks and exchange companies, have a pivotal role in the development of financial system. These institutions can help in developing small and medium enterprises; facilitate flow of funds; stabilizes exchange rates; and increase savings in the economy.