Tahmina Sabir, Ahmad Muneer Wahidi
Volume 7 Issue 4 | Dec 2024
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2024.172
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This research focuses on the tendency of Kabul Polytechnic University youth toward tobacco use (smoking) and its social determination because tobacco addiction tendency among youths is considered one of the harmful social problems in different countries, including Afghanistan. Considering the general conditions of Afghan society, especially inadequate cultural, recreational and economic harms in Kabul province, caused youths to use drag more than other age groups. This research is explanatory, descriptive-analytical, and conducted using a survey method. The statistical population of this research was youth between the ages of 18 and 35 in Kabul who were students of Kabul Polytechnic University. A total of 153 participants answered the questionnaires completed by the statistical community (Kabul Polytechnic Students). Therefore, the correlation statistical and SPSS method was used to analyze the survey data. So, based on the SPSS analysis, the findings of this research showed that there is a meaningful and positive relationship between not having leisure facilities, feeling insecure, having inappropriate friends, the abnormality and normalization of drug use in Kabul city, and domestic tensions and the tendency of young people in Kabul city to use drugs. Income, employment and literacy also affect the youths toward using drugs. However, marital status, household size, and residential status had no significant relationship with drug addiction. Therefore, it is concluded that various social factors influence drug addiction. Public and private institutions and organizations can reduce the tendency to drugs among youths by facilitating and providing educational, awareness-raising, recreational-entertainment services, creating employment and reducing the atmosphere of insecurity.
Keywords: Tendency, Drugs, Students, Abnormality or Deviance