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Zahidullah Momand and Saeed Gul
Volume 6 Issue 1 | Mar 2023
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2023.136
Views: 631
Total Downloads: 7
This study endeavors to evaluate the impact of knowledge management on organizational performance, with psychological empowerment mediating in higher education institutes and universities. The Likert scale questions were adapted to target teachers, administrators, and other staff at Afghanistan's universities and higher education institutes based on the quantitative research method. The result suggests that there is a significant and direct effect of knowledge management on organizational performance in higher education institutes and universities, with psychological empowerment playing the mediating role between knowledge management and organizational performance, suggesting that if employees of higher education institutes and universities are empowered psychologically (in terms of competence, impact, meaning, and trust), there will be a positive impact on the organizational performance of these higher education institutes and universities. Key Words: Universities; Knowledge management, Organizational performance; Psychological empowerment; Afghanistan.