Role of Pakistan in Peace and Reconciliation in Afghanistan Post – 2001: An Exploration

Mr. Muhammad Khushal Nasrat, Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani and Dr. Iqbal Sonaullah

Volume 5 Issue 1 | Jun 2022


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Given the political efforts that brought peace to Afghanistan, this research aims to examine Pakistan's role in Afghan peace and reconciliation post-2001 and provide an understanding of the roots of the conflict in Afghanistan. By employing a qualitative research design, the present study is conducted on descriptive discourse analysis. The results of the study identify both internal and external roots of the conflict that exists in Afghanistan, the role of external stakeholders being stronger, compared to economic and social factors along with personal, psychological and identity dimensions. Although the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been more or less uneasy, the road to peace in Afghanistan always runs through Pakistan; and a safe Pakistan guarantees a safe future for Afghanistan. Decreasing conflict and bringing reconciliation in Afghanistan was never an easy path for Pakistan, as Pakistan missed proportionately the required will, capacity, and public support to counter the peace and reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan.