Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Transformational Leadership and ‎Organizational Commitment: ‎‎‎Moderating Role of Emotional ‎Intelligence in HEI’s in Afghanistan

Mr. Najmuddin Rahmani and Dr. Kalimullah Khan

Volume 5 Issue 2 | Jun 2022

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2022.116

Views: 886

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Academic leaders have a very important role to play in higher educational institutions, and for ‎the development of academic leaders, attention has to be paid to their emotional intelligence to ‎ensure transformational leadership and effective decision-making in their institution. This is ‎because, with the passage of time, the roles of academic leaders have also changed. In the present ‎study, the focus is on the transformational leadership style of academic leaders as it is more ‎prevalent in the higher education institutions in Kabul Afghanistan. This study analyzed the ‎moderating role of Emotional intelligence (EI) of employees on the relationship between ‎transformational leadership (TL) and organizational commitment (OC) in the private higher ‎education institutions in Kabul. The population of the study is the employees of the academics ‎and employees of the 7 private universities in Kabul from that 270 are sample size and the ‎technique used is convenience sampling. The statistical result found that EI acts as a moderator ‎on the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment. This ‎study provides leaders with a new insight to look at their employees ‘level of commitment to ‎their organization. In addition, this study further helps in exploring the impact of employees’ ‎emotional intelligence on the relationship between transformational leadership and different ‎components of organizational commitment. Different aspects of these variables were tested, to ‎provide a wider and more comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect organizational ‎commitment in private higher education institutions in Kabul.‎