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Mr. Abdul Baqi Sultani
Volume 5 Issue 1 | Mar 2022
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2022.109
Views: 1138
Total Downloads: 100
Like other developing countries, infrastructure development is a major concern for the Afghanistan government. Since Public-private partnerships. In Afghanistan, public-private partnership is considered an appropriate alternative to the traditional procurement method for infrastructure development. Partnering with private sector investors enables the public sector to bridge the financial gap and utilize private sector skills and technology. This research aims to identify and evaluate the critical success factors (CSFs) and constraints for public-private partnerships in infrastructure development based on evidence from Afghanistan. Data collected through a structured questionnaire survey were analyzed to achieve the objectives. The questionnaire was developed based on in-deep and comprehensive review of the literature. Furthermore, the relative importance index method was employed as the analysis technique. This study identifies and assesses 25 CSFs and 25 Constraints for infrastructure PPP. The results indicate that all investigated CSFs and constraints are ranked important. Except for one CSF, which is perceived as highly important, all other CSFs and constraint factors are ranked high to medium important.