Milad Scheduling Algorithm (MSA)

Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, Mr. Milad Akbari and Mr. Maiwand Yousufzai

Volume 3 Issue 1 | Dec 2021

DOI: 10.31841/KJET.2022.22

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In today's world, a lot of software is operational in different fields. One of the most important types of software is the operating system. It is an immense set of system software in terms of its functionality and size. It directly interacts with the hardware, fully controls different hardware, and provides a bridge between the user and the hardware. One of the important tasks of the operating system is to schedule the processes so that they can be completed at an acceptable time. Different scheduling algorithms have been proposed, like First Come, First Served (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), and Round Robin Algorithm. In this paper, a new scheduling algorithm has been proposed and its performance has been compared with other existing algorithms, which has proved that Milad's Scheduling Algorithm (MSA) is better in related aspects.

Keywords: MSA, Algorithm, Software, Operating System