Dr. Aun, Isaac Iortimbir Dr. Abdul, Falilat Ajoke, Dr. Mustapha, Yusuf Ismail and Dr. Oladipo, Ganiyu Taiwo
Volume 4 Issue 4 | Dec 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.107
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The relationship between corporate culture and organizational innovation has been the subject of debate by researchers for over four decades. The objectives of the study were to: evaluate the influence of an organization’s mission as an element of organizational culture on product and service innovation; examine the effect of consistency as an element of organizational culture on process innovation; and a questionnaire was designed using structured questions to obtain data from employees in the five branches of Guarantee Trust Bank in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. A total of 150 copies of questionnaires were administered, of which 132 were properly filled out and returned. The formulated hypotheses were tested using regression analysis with the aid of SPSS version 25. The findings revealed that organization mission has an effect on product and service innovation with an R2 value of 0.683; consistency influences process innovation with an R2 value of 0.609. Therefore, the study recommended, among other things, that organizational mission should be shared amongst employees to enable them to contribute innovatively to the achievement of organizational goals. Organizational value should also be shared amongst employees as it will enable them to act in the interest of the organization at all times.
Keywords: Corporate Culture, Organization’s Mission, Consistency, Employee Involvement, Organizational Innovativeness, Element of Organizational Culture.