Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Impact of Financial Development on Inclusive ‎Growth in Nigeria

Dr Bayo Liafeez Oyero Kazeem

Volume 4 Issue 4 | Dec 2021

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.104

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This study examined the impact of financial development on inclusive growth in Nigeria using a time series data ‎obtained from secondary sources between 1999 and 2019. Financial development was measured using broad ‎money supply and domestic credit to private sector, while inclusive growth was measured from income perspective ‎using per capita GDP and from expenditure perspective using household consumption expenditure. The data were ‎mainly obtained from World Development Indicators data base for various years. The data were analysed using ‎Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound test approach. The results of the ARDL revealed that financial development ‎proxy with broad money supply exert significant positive impact on per capita income and household consumption ‎expenditure in both short and long run. On the contrary, domestic credit to private sector has significant negative ‎impact on per capita income in short and long run while the impact on household consumption expenditure was not ‎significant in both short and long run. The study therefore recommends that the government can use broad money ‎supply as one of the financial development instruments to promote inclusive growth in Nigeria. in addition, ‎attention should be paid to the allocation of funds to private sector and the efficiency of such fund in order to ‎reverse unproductive impact of fund allocated to private sector on inclusive growth in Nigeria. ‎

JEL Classification: F63, P34, O11‎

Keywords: Inclusive growth, Financial Development, Trade Openness, Broad Money Supply