Ms. Shukria Saadat Hashimi
Volume 4 Issue 3 | Sep 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.101
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One of the emerging issues that organizations and families are facing is work- life balance. Increase in work pressure, advancement of the technology and globalization have created more imbalance in every working individual’s life. In this regard, the prime aim of this research is to evaluate the factors impacting work-life balance of female employees in private higher education institutions in Kabul, Afghanistan. A sample of 219 female employees were targeted and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has been employed in order to ascertain the factors impacting the work- life balance. The study found seven factors like, non-supportive job environment (job nature), poor family and work support system, working hours, work overload, family domain, burdened role and job sharing and ineffective WLB policy as the antecedents impacting work life balance of female employees in private higher education institutions in Afghanistan. The study recommends the organizations to make work-life balance policy and implement it properly, create flexible working environment, give flexible deadlines, decrease working hours of female employees, establish and suggest some flexible options such as flexi working hours, part time jobs, Tele-commuting for female and provide more annually paid leave. At the same time, families and supervisors should be quite supportive to help the females to maintain their work-life balance.
Key words: Work-life balance, female employees, HEI in Afghanistan, Organizations