Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Factors Impacting Work-Life ‎Balance of ‎Female Employees in ‎Private Higher Education ‎‎Institutions in Afghanistan: An ‎Exploration

Ms. Shukria Saadat Hashimi

Volume 4 Issue 3 | Sep 2021

DOI: ‎10.31841/KJEMS.2021.101

Views: 1025

Total Downloads: 40

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One of the emerging issues that organizations and families are facing is work- life ‎‎balance. Increase in work pressure, advancement of the technology and globalization ‎have ‎created more imbalance in every working individual’s life. In this regard, the ‎prime aim of ‎this research is to evaluate the factors impacting work-life balance of ‎female employees in ‎private higher education institutions in Kabul, Afghanistan. A ‎sample of 219 female ‎employees were targeted and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) ‎has been employed in ‎order to ascertain the factors impacting the work- life balance. ‎The study found seven ‎factors like, non-supportive job environment (job nature), poor ‎family and work support ‎system, working hours, work overload, family domain, ‎burdened role and job sharing and ‎ineffective WLB policy as the antecedents ‎impacting work life balance of female ‎employees in private higher education ‎institutions in Afghanistan. The study recommends ‎the organizations to make work-life ‎balance policy and implement it properly, create ‎flexible working environment, give ‎flexible deadlines, decrease working hours of female ‎employees, establish and ‎suggest some flexible options such as flexi working hours, part ‎time jobs, Tele-‎commuting for female and provide more annually paid leave. At the same ‎time, ‎families and supervisors should be quite supportive to help the females to maintain ‎‎their work-life balance. ‎

Key words: Work-life balance, female employees, HEI in Afghanistan, ‎Organizations‎