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Ms. Rohina Naderi
Volume 4 Issue 3 | Sep 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.100
Views: 1353
Total Downloads: 56
This paper aims to investigate factors affecting the profitability of the banking sector in Afghanistan and its associated link with economic growth for 11 years, 2010-2020. The profitability of Afghanistan banks is measured through three key dependent variables that are Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Net Interest Margin (NIM). Several bank-specific factors, namely assets quality, capital adequacy, management efficiency, liquidity ratio, credit risk and bank size, and macroeconomic factors such as GDP growth, exchange, interest and inflation rates and trade ratio are included as independent variables. This study employed panel data, and a dynamic model is used for estimation purposes, viz; fixed and random effects and Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) techniques to investigate factors affecting the profitability of commercial banks. It shows that banks size and capital adequacy are positively associated with ROA ratio through GMM regression analysis. Credit risk, liquidity, and management efficiency show negative relation with ROA ratio. Among macroeconomic factors, only the GDP growth rate shows a negative association with ROA ratio. This paper shows policymakers that which factors are significant to stabilise and improve the performance of banking sectors and guide bankers and investors to draft their policies accordingly. JEL Classification: C22; D53; E51; E58 Keywords: Banks performance; macroeconomic factors; economic growth; Afghanistan