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Mohibur-Rahman Mohib
Volume 4 Issue 3 | Sep 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.98
Views: 1900
Total Downloads: 90
Infrastructure investment has long been held as an accelerator of the economy. Internationally, Afghanistan ranks poorly with infrastructure performance and ranks in the lower percentile for both infrastructure investment and GDP growth rate. The current study examines the impact of road transport infrastructure on economic growth and sectoral bias in the public expenditure in the provision of social services in Afghanistan. The ordinary least square regression method is employed by using time series data from 2005-2019. The results of the study are mixed. The association between road transport infrastructure and economic growth is robust, except for agriculture, energy, and health, due to the government’s sectoral bias in public expenditure and allocation of the insufficient budget. Thus, it is inferred that road transport infrastructure investment leads to economic growth in Afghanistan. The study recommends a balanced budget to sectors related to economic growth and policy for public-private partnerships. Keywords: Afghanistan, Road Transport Infrastructure, Economic Growth, Public Expenditure