US Withdrawal from Syria: ‎‎Offshore Balancing amid ‎Changing ‎Political Dynamics of ‎‎Middle East

Dr. Iqbal Sonaullah

Volume 4 Issue 1 | Jun 2021

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.2

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The impulsive U.S withdrawal from Syria cultivated uncertainty among ‎‎Middle ‎Eastern countries which have, over the years, relied on sustained ‎‎transatlantic ‎military support. This feeling of abandonment – aided by the ‎‎heightened threats to ‎regime survival by alternate regional powers – ‎‎triggered a subtle, yet significant, ‎foreign policy reform altering many ‎‎conventional alliances. Scholarly debates ‎addressing the motive of foreign ‎‎interventions, especially in the Syria and ‎Afghanistan, have sought a return ‎to ‎offshore balancing. This analytical dimension ‎elucidates the principle of ‎self-‎interest that drives foreign interventions; but these ‎debates neglect ‎that such ‎interventions destabilize the socio-political harmony in ‎the host ‎countries. In ‎that context, this paper aims to critically examine foreign ‎‎interventions in ‎Middle East. The paper investigates how the ‎overreliance ‎of Middle Eastern ‎countries on their foreign masters’ paves way for ‎offshore balancing which ‎leads to further hostility in the region. The paper ‎will adopt Critical Discourse ‎Analysis method to ‎research the substance. ‎‎ ‎

Keywords: US Intervention, Offshore Balancing, Middle East, U.S Troop ‎