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Ms. Zuhra Zaka and Mr. Mohammad Elyas Naseri
Volume 4 Issue 2 | Jun 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.3
Views: 775
Total Downloads: 21
The main objective of this study is to analyze the export performance and intensity of Afghanistan-India merchandise trade. In order to evaluate export performance, revealed symmetric comparative advantage index (RSCA), export intensity index (EII) and import intensity index (III) are employed. The RSCA results are categorized into four categories according to the rank results, highest revealed symmetric comparative advantage (HRSCA), highest revealed symmetric comparative disadvantage (HRSCD), marginal revealed symmetric comparative advantage (MRSCA) and marginal revealed symmetric comparative disadvantage (MRSCD). Out of 25 commodities exported by Afghanistan to India, Afghanistan enjoys HRSCA in 12 commodities, MRSCA in 7 commodities, HRSCD in 3 commodities and MRSCD in 3 commodities. In terms of intensity of exports and imports, the findings reveal that export intensity between Afghanistan and India for the time period 2008-2018 was favorable except for 2010 and 2014. In terms of Import intensity, the pattern of intensity during the period 2008-2018 was favorable except for 2011, 2013 and 2014. Afghanistan has to adopt special strategies to improve the competitiveness of those commodities that fall in marginal comparative advantage and disadvantage. Keywords: Afghanistan, Export Performance, Merchandise Trade, India