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Mr. Mohammad Iraj Mahdi and Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani
Volume 4 Issue 2 | Jun 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.1
Views: 947
Total Downloads: 38
The improvement of technology and its usage in the education sector in the last decade has caused traditional methods to be reformed in order to improve communication in a learning environment. E-learning seems to be the new paradigm of modern education and it has been highlighted as a tool that can deliver education to underprivileged people in rural areas, allowing more students to access higher education through a less expensive and more flexible alternative. Considering the advantages of E-Learning, the TVET Authority of Afghanistan tends to make use of e-learning in order to enhance learning and ensure better use of resources. According to research, the adoption of e-learning in developing countries is influenced by a variety of factors and is hampered by a number of challenges, the severity of which varies by country. Hence, this study aims to explore the factors affecting E-Learning Adoption in Afghanistan through empirical evidence from the TVET Authority. Data was collected from a total of 200 teachers and employees of the TVET Authority in Kabul City using a random sampling method and an exploratory factor analysis was employed to explore the challenges. Individualistic challenges, malfunctioning administrative and technical support, and attitudinal & cultural challenges were identified as the main factors, among others. Further research with a larger sample size covering many cities in Afghanistan and examining the interrelationships between all of the factors is recommended. Keywords: E-Learning, E-Learning Adoption, Factors Affecting E-Learning Adoption, E-Learning Adoption Challenges