Dr. Bhagawan Chandra Sinha
Volume 4 Issue 1 | Mar 2021
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.11
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Employee engagement is the strategy of winning staff’s hand, head, heart, and soul to instill an innate desire and passion for excellence. Engaged workers want their company to thrive because they feel linked to its goal, vision, and mission physically, socially, emotionally, and even spiritually. Companies are bleeding and facing financial constraints with the economic downturn resulting in decreased wages, lay off, retrenchment, pink slip, voluntary resignation, golden hand shake, closure. As they have bonds with the company, engaged workers face more heat, their morale is low, placing a question mark on the relevance of employee engagement. Both employee and employer are in catch 22 situations.
Keywords: Employee, Engagement, Morale, Layoff, Retrenchment