Aid Disbursement, Disease and ‎School Enrolment in Sub-‎Saharan Africa: An ‎Empirical ‎Evaluation ‎

Mr. Aderopo Raphael Adediyan and Ms. Venus Nmakanmma Obadoni

Volume 3 Issue 2 | Dec 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.40

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This paper analyzed the significance of education-tied external aid, and ‎the role of disease ‎on school enrolment in Sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, ‎the analysis focused extensively ‎on primary, secondary and tertiary school ‎enrolment over a period of 2010 and 2019 for 42 ‎selected countries in the ‎region. After controlling for income per head, maternal mortality, ‎‎employment, and the previous school enrolment level, vital in the GMM ‎regression results ‎estimated among the school levels is a common ‎phenomenon of a significant positive ‎impact of external aid disbursed to ‎education, and a negative effect of disease, particularly ‎malaria, on school ‎enrolment in Sub-Saharan Africa. In essence, primary, secondary and ‎‎tertiary school enrolment increases with a growth in education aid and ‎decreases as ‎malaria disease spreads in the region. ‎

Keywords: External aid, Education, School enrolment, Malaria.‎