Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Exploring the Relationship with ‎Financial Challenge, Inclusion, and ‎‎Enterprising Women

Mr. Mohammad Mushfiqul Haque Mukit, Ms. Nusrat Jahan Nabila and Prof. Assim Ibrahim Abdel-Razzaq

Volume 3 Issue 4 | Dec 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.18

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The entrepreneurial process drives the economic activities significantly. In many ‎developed countries including ‎Bangladesh, female entrepreneurship is an ‎increasingly rising phenomena. Women are an untapped source of ‎economic ‎progress, making up half of our population, and entrepreneurship is one way of ‎mediating that growth by ‎exploiting that tremendous pool of human resources. ‎Cultural restrictions are one of the major factors boiling the ‎development of ‎women's entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. This study aimed to reduce the financial ‎challenges, to ‎establish the women’s entrepreneurship in rural area, so that, ‎contribute into the mainstreamed economy. Women's ‎financial literacy is the key, ‎but social consciousness must also play a major role in bridging this divide, and the ‎‎paper is heading in that direction. To achieve the above objective, qualitative and ‎quantitative methods have been ‎used. Moreover, structured model questionnaire ‎provided hundred random entrepreneurs in rural area to bring out ‎the real insights ‎of drawback and figure out how financial inclusions can contribute more in the ‎informal economy. ‎The results of this study suggest that complicated loans ‎process, high-interest rates, absence of a life skills program, ‎lack of financial ‎freedom for women and property rights, entrepreneurial paradox, absence of ‎collaterals, financial ‎institutions negligence, mismanagement of loans, lack of ‎interactions with local successful entrepreneur and ‎imbalance of family and ‎professional promise are the major barriers in accessing financial institutions in ‎‎Bangladesh. ‎

Keywords: Economy, Entrepreneur, Financial Inclusion, Informal Economy, ‎Rural, Women. ‎