Start of Next Financial Crises - When: Projections and Expectations

Mr. Saeed Gull, Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani

Volume 1 Issue 1 | Jan 2018


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It is surely a million dollar question that – Has the 2007 financial crises got an end or not. The question is not “if” but “when” the next financial crises will hit. So many luminaries and academicians such as David Stockman, Nouriel Roubini and Raghuram Rajan (Modern Monetary Economists) have pointed to Global Financial Crises of 2007 and started asking: Did the Global Financial Crises (GFC) of 2007 ever end? The methods in hand like quantitative easing, intervention in stocks, bonds and the role played by the central banks of the developed countries like Fed, Swiss National Bank, ECB, Bank of Japan and others, the answer must be rebutted and resounding - NO!