Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

A Billion-Dollar Question ‎Answered: What Economies ‎Should Do? ‎

Dr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani

Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.29

Views: 954

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The global economy will not return to pre-pandemic levels for ‎another 2 years. Developed economies shrank an unprecedented ‎‎9.8 per cent from April to August this year. Compared to the worst ‎quarter of 2008-09 financial crises, the economies shrank only by ‎‎2.3 per cent. So what should the policy makers and leaders do in ‎this uncertain time to revive and revitalize the economies. There ‎are technically three ways as savior channels; ‎

Keep supporting people for as long as possible: As per the ‎Angel Gurria, Secretary General OECD, that during 2008-09 ‎financial crises, the financial stimulus was withdrawn too quick ‎and fast and, jump into austerity was also fast, resulting into two ‎further downturns of the world economy after that as we were too ‎fast. We shouldn’t repeat that fallacy again. Lives against ‎livelihoods is a totally false dilemma. What we should do is of ‎course to throw everything what we have at our disposal including ‎the kitchen sink, at the virus. Beat the virus, control the virus ‎which is what is not happening now. And, of course that has a ‎cost, but the cost of not doing that is much greater.‎