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Ms. Nazia Noory
Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.28
Views: 955
Total Downloads: 6
The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a huge blow to the world that affects global developments. Like other pandemics world is not just faced with the greatest global health shock but faced with the multi-dimension of COVID-19 effects. Like elsewhere Afghanistan is also hit strongly by the pandemic as in Afghanistan where there some other crisis was already existed from ongoing armed conflict to the struggles for peace, from lack of services to the limited infrastructure, from the increasing number of unemployment to the high gender inequalities all are the factors which are negatively impacting the economic and social stability of Afghanistan and its population as a whole and female in particular. COVID-19 has also affected female in different ways particularly in education, health and social sectors. Which needs urgent attention to be addressed. Keywords: COVID-19, Peace, Education, Pandemic, Afghanistan