Mr. Modasir Azami and Ms. Uzma Zaheen
Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.27
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This paper focuses on the co-ordination of national and international response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Afghanistan which has affected the global economy, politics, education, religious activities and all other aspects of individuals’ life today. World Health Organization (WHO) records suggest that 21.9 million people have been affected by COVID where 775,893 of them have lost succumbed to death worldwide. Although masses did not believe in veracity of the Pandemic in Afghanistan, there have been 37,599 confirmed cases and 1,375 deaths in the country, with unofficial numbers hitting millions., reported by WHO. In order to cope with consequences of the Pandemic, Afghanistan received support from international community, including but not limited to, United States, Turkey, China, and international organizations such as WHO, the World Bank, ADB, UNAMA, IOM, nonetheless, the situation was mishandled by the Government of Afghanistan. This paper attempts to evaluate and investigate the response and the manner of treatment of the situation overall in Afghanistan. Therefore, the first section deals with Afghan Government’s response to the Pandemic; whereas the second section covers the international commitments to counter the ramifications of COVID-19 in Afghanistan and the third section is a critical analysis conclusion of the national and international response. This paper is produced using secondary data, which includes primarily reports of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank, media articles and news items.
Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, National and International Response