Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

The Afghanistan Imperatives in The ‎Post COVID-19 World‎

Ms. Khurshid Hotak and Mr. Mohammad Elyas Naseri

Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.23

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COVID-19 an invisible enemy that initially targets the human life didn’t take ‎long to ‎spread throughout the globalized world in a short span of time ‎despite all the strict ‎preventative measures. The wide range effects of COVID-‎‎19 shadowed over many ‎aspects of governments, people, environment and ‎even other living organisms. Social ‎distancing, closed borders, smashed ‎economy and switching to virtual world altogether ‎changed the human ‎pattern of life also the economic and political orders. The ‎predictions and ‎envisions of IMF, WTO and other economic organizations warn of a ‎difficult ‎economic situation in the current and the following years. From the birth of ‎‎COVID-19, countries sought to find ways for minimizing its effects, predict ‎their future ‎after coronavirus and some attempted to reach and disclose the ‎origin of this virus and ‎the results told that coronavirus was a result of human ‎engineering. In this piece of ‎work, when the imperatives of Afghanistan in the ‎post COVID-19 world were ‎considered, a close link between COVID-19 and the ‎conspiracy of the New World Order ‎was found. The imperatives of COVID-19 in ‎Afghanistan are of short and long runs. In ‎short run the unstable economy will ‎be more sounding challenge for Afghanistan, the ‎rate of annual emigration ‎will increase, there will be more investment on the health ‎sector or it will be ‎privatized, a stressful environment will rule on the education sector ‎for a short ‎time also changes will be introduced in the pattern of trade where in long ‎run ‎the imperatives are mostly understood from the purposes and objectives ‎behind the ‎NOW.‎‎

‎Keywords: ‎ COVID-19, Globalized, Afghanistan, World, Education ‎