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Dr. Sarfaraz Karim
Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.22
Views: 3399
Total Downloads: 7
Significant challenges have created for the global higher education community because of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study purpose was to find out the experience of online classes with various factors among students. Through a descriptive statistical analysis and Ordinal Regression Analysis this study used sample of 276 students studying at school of graduate studies of Kardan University. The study found that there is positive relationship between online education and support provided from administration and it is also found that overall the response is positive towards online education as well as facility provided by the university. There is a significant difference in the male and female student’s responses as result found that the responses have been diverse among gender (by cross tabulation) towards online education, Kardan university administration and social consequences. There are significant opportunities to start new way of learning and this research will help management in the education sector to understand ways to enhance and explore the different ways of online education as well as student’s experience towards it. Keywords: COVID-19, Digital Education, Higher Education, Online Education, Webinar