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Dr. Kalimullah Khan Bangash
Volume 3 Issue 3 | Sep 2020
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.20
Views: 917
Total Downloads: 14
Given centrality to the issue of COVID-19 and its widespread impacts, this theoretical article has fostered a debate for future research pertaining to Covid-19 effects on various spheres of organizational psychology. More specifically, this paper proposes a future research agenda, discusses on issues and implications for an organization. While emphasizing on postcovid19 workplace environment but more significantly this article also provides some insight on working environment of fourth industrial revolution with relation to the post COVID-19 workplace environment. As, the article is theoretical and therefore, it is based on observations of covid19 pandemic and also based on secondary data the form of some academic articles and reports. As, COVID-19 has been stimulus for tremendous layer of change in all spheres of human life and hence it is also expected that postcovid19 workplace environment will not remain the same and therefore organizations need to rethink, recommit and reposition their existence for sustainable performance in the era of fourth industrial revolution. Keywords: Industrial Revolution, COVID-19, Psychology, Pandemic