Global Character Assassination, Anti-Muslim Chauvinism and the Contemporary Muslim Challenge

Prof. Abdulrazaq Kilani and Dr. Ibrahim Suberu

Volume 3 Issue 1 | Jun 2020

DOI: 10.31841/KJSSH.2021.33

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The global character assassination is a euphemism for Islamophobia. Islamophobia is propagated by negative stereotyping and profiling of Islam and Muslims and it is the cotemporary challenge confronting the Muslims 'ummah globally. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the genesis, dynamics and the effects of the global character assassination on the Muslims. In this work, historical approach and sociological factors are considered. It is established that the major factor for the current character assassination of Muslims by the West and non-Muslims is the culture of manufacturing bigotry with a view to alter the demographic projection of Muslim population. It is also established that the damage is being done on Muslims from various fronts but that it is incumbent upon the Muslim leaders to improve access and quality of Islamic knowledge and create awareness about the true image of Islam. More so, the Muslim leaders and the generality of the Muslims need to be more actively involved in social engineering and global governance.