Spring 2025 Entry Test Results

Development of Small and Medium ‎Enterprises through Technical ‎Vocational ‎and Educational Training ‎in Afghanistan

Mr. Noor Gul, Dr. ‎Kalimullah Khan, Mr. Shahzad Anwar

Volume 2 Issue 4 | Dec 2019

DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.47

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This study aims to explore current trends of vocational skills needed ‎for improving the livelihood ‎of Afghan youth. In the same vein, this study ‎also investigated the role of Technical Vocational ‎and Educational Training ‎‎(TVET) in job creation and self-employment in Afghanistan. For this ‎‎purpose, qualitative methodology was employed under the lens of ‎interpretivist philosophy and ‎inductive approach. Phenomenological ‎methodology is employed to achieve the study ‎objectives. Under the lens ‎of phenomenological approach, interpretation in a hermeneutic ‎manner is ‎used for the extraction of themes. This is followed by in-depth interviews ‎from ‎twelve respondents of Kabul and Khost provinces of TVET program. ‎This study explored current ‎trends of technical vocational skills needed for ‎improving the livelihood of Afghan youth like mobile repairing, motor bike ‎‎repairing, solar lights related works, tailoring skills and metal works. Finally, ‎this study ‎recommends that institutions and training centers should be ‎established to impart the technical ‎skills to promote establishment of small ‎enterprises and initiation of more projects related to technical skills to ‎streamline ‎the unprivileged youth of Afghanistan.‎

Keywords: Technical skills, vocational trainings institute, youth, Afghanistan ‎