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Mr. Noor Gul, Dr. Kalimullah Khan, Mr. Shahzad Anwar
Volume 2 Issue 4 | Dec 2019
DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2021.47
Views: 908
Total Downloads: 8
This study aims to explore current trends of vocational skills needed for improving the livelihood of Afghan youth. In the same vein, this study also investigated the role of Technical Vocational and Educational Training (TVET) in job creation and self-employment in Afghanistan. For this purpose, qualitative methodology was employed under the lens of interpretivist philosophy and inductive approach. Phenomenological methodology is employed to achieve the study objectives. Under the lens of phenomenological approach, interpretation in a hermeneutic manner is used for the extraction of themes. This is followed by in-depth interviews from twelve respondents of Kabul and Khost provinces of TVET program. This study explored current trends of technical vocational skills needed for improving the livelihood of Afghan youth like mobile repairing, motor bike repairing, solar lights related works, tailoring skills and metal works. Finally, this study recommends that institutions and training centers should be established to impart the technical skills to promote establishment of small enterprises and initiation of more projects related to technical skills to streamline the unprivileged youth of Afghanistan. Keywords: Technical skills, vocational trainings institute, youth, Afghanistan