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A student of the BCS program at Kardan University, Mr. Zabeehullah is a computer programmer with over five years of professional experience with different governmental and non-governmental organizations, having developed several applications including the Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS) for the Literacy Department of Ministry of Education. He was also part of the development team working on the Procurement Management Information System (PMIS) at the Administrative Office of the President (AOP).Mr. Zabeehullah is one of the 5% contributors to Google Translate Pashto arranged a Translate-a-thon event for improving the engine in 2016 under the National Information Technology Professionals Association of Afghanistan (NITPAA) of which he is a member.He attended the 2011 Regional Open Source Conference - Afghanistan (ROSCA) organized by UNESCO as a panelist and spoke on issues including FOSS Localization and was also interviewed by DW Pashto and VOA Pashto on FOSS and Internet Governance after he attended the Pakistan School on Internet Governance in 2016.Mr. Zabeehullah was one of the organizers for the first Afghanistan School on Internet Governance (afSIG) in 2017, focused on issues like the technical infrastructure of internet, openness, accessibility, human rights, cyber crimes, e-commerce, and local content development.