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Mustafa Hakimzada holds a bachelor's degree in Diplomacy & International Relations from the University of Afghanistan. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in International Relations at Kardan University, specializing in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building. Mr. Hakimzada has an impressive academic background and has achieved several Academic Excellence Awards. Currently, Mr. Hakimzada works as Head of Memoline Group of Companies (MGC), where he develops content for public awareness, workshops, and roundtable discussions in capacity building activity projects. Previously, he led the Community-Based Monitoring projects (CBM) in Integrity Watch Afghanistan. While working for CBM Program as Integrity Leader, he participated in Community Integrity Building Workshops in Manila, Philippine. In this capacity, he contributed to building projects' capacity and engaged community members to monitor public projects with improved quality. Recently, Mustafa has written two articles on the 'Role and Importance of Ethnicity and Nationalism in International Relations Context' and 'COVID-19 and The New Executive Mechanism of Diplomacy', published on national and international media platforms. He desires to build his capacity and knowledge to contribute to Afghanistan's development through volunteerism and public engagement.